
Thousandth anniversary of the death of the Holy Emperor Henry II from 12 to 14 July in Bamberg At the invitation of the Archbishop of Bamberg Herwig Gössl, the Order of St. Henry, in cooperation with the organisers of the celebrations, organised and carried out a festive programme for the Order's annual general meeting on Saturday 13 July in the diocesan house of St. Otto. The programme [...]

Berlin The Order's delegation met in the capital city at the invitation of the Berliner Schloss, e.V. support organisation. The programme began with a Holy Mass celebrated by H.E. Archbishop Dr Rainer Koch in St Hedwig's Cathedral. At the end of the service, the celebrant was honoured with the St. Heinrichsnadel from the [...]

Grimma - Colditz Castle, September 2015 The Order has commissioned a portrait of Duke Albrecht the Brave. The young artist Martin Schädlich executed the work. The painting was ceremoniously presented to the Minister of Justice of the Free State of Bavaria, Martin Gemkow, and the Director of the Local Court, Katja Kohlschmid, and placed in its final location in the court building [...].

Vienna, September 2012 We visited Vienna at the invitation of the Sachsendragoner from Zwölfaxing. On the programme was a visit to the Albertina and the Museum of Military History, where a special surprise awaited us: the military band of the Austrian army was lined up in front of the museum façade to present the world premiere of the Margrave of Meissen March. This [...]

ROME In collaboration with the Catholic Church in the Vatican and the Pontifical Institute Santa Maria dell'Anima, the Order organised a historical and cultural trip to the Eternal City. The programme included a visit to the Holy Father's Wednesday audience in St. Peter's Square, a visit to both the Vatican Museums and the gardens and, at the invitation of Prince Prospero, a [...]